
解析:Questions 19 to 22 are based on th

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【单选题】Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just hearD、A.Polltaker and passenger.
B.Program host and guest.
C.Student and teacher.
D.Politician and supporter.


[听力原文] 19-22 W: Excuse me, would you mind answering a few questions M: Well, I don’t know. I am in rather a hurry actually. W: It won’t take a moment. We’re doing a public opinion poll on some important political questions to try to find out if the Government really has support for its policies. The results are going to be published in a national newspaper. M: Oh, all right, then. W: Thanks. Well, I’ll read out statements and you have to say whether you agree strongly, agree, disagree, disagree strongly or just don’t know. OK M: Yes. W: Well, first of all, "Policemen should always carry guns. " Do you agree M: No, not always. W: What is your opinion M: They shouldn’t do that when they’re on normal duty. But if they’re chasing a criminal who they know has got a gun, then they should be armed as well. W: OK, next question. "Britain should drive on the right-hand side of the road. " M: What rubbish! Why doesn’t everybody else drive on the left W: All right. One more question: "Britain should leave the EEC. " M: That’s nasty. I wasn’t in favor of us joining, but I think it would be difficult to leave now. I think we’ll just have to stay in and make the best of it. W: OK, that’s all. Thank you very much. 19. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers [解析] 问话者提问前先用了。Excuse me,而答话人又说自己in rather a hurry actually,说明二者是在街上碰到的陌生人,从后面所问的题目内容看,他们只可能是调查员和路人的关系。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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