
解析:It is claimed that people build suc

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】It is claimed that people build such specialized institutions as hospitals because ______.

A.the retarded and the emotionally disturbed can not be treated at home
B.it is believed to be more efficient and human for them to do so
C.such practice saves the government a lot of money in the long run
D.other ways of dealing with patients are less rational


细节定位题。 A项:因为弱智以及精神病人无法在家接受治疗;C项:从长远来看,这些机构为国家节约了大笔的资金;D项:其他医治病人的方式是非理智的。第1段第2句中提到:In the same way, we have built mental institutions, cancer wards, soup kitchens, and retirement communities — all in the name of efficiency and humanitarian motivation.意思是:(我们建立了医院),出于同样的日的,我们设立了精神康复机构,痛症诊疗病室,退休人员社区等——都是打着提高效率和出于人道动机的旗号。所以,B项“大家认为,这样做对治疗更有效,也更符合人道情怀”是正确的。A项的陈述跟原文无任何关系。C项也是不符合文意的一个推断。D项陈述太过于偏激和片面。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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