
解析:{{B}}The Risk of Tanning (日晒){{/

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{{B}}The Risk of Tanning (日晒){{/B}}
This is just the time of year when the temptation to hit a tanning salon (沙龙) is highest, particularly for women, who make up an estimated 70 percent of tanning customers. With wedding season around the corner, and beach weekends not far off, a lot of women think they need some "healthy color" to look their best.But dermatologists (皮肤专家) say that there is no such thing as a healthy "real" tan. "A、tan is essentially an injury to the skin," saysDr. Henry Lim, chairman of the department of dermatology at the Henry Ford Hospital inDetroit. "Tanning is just a reaction by the skin to try and protect itself."
While most people know they have to have sunscreen whenever they’re in the sun for more than a few minutes, there’s a lot of confusion about the relative merits and risks of tanning salons. Promoters say tanning machines are healthy because they emit mostly ultraviolet (紫外线)A、(UVA、rays, which cause most sunburns.But dermatologists say there’s a growing stack of research that UVA、rays are more damaging than originally thought. The UVA、rays generated by tanning beds penetrate much deeper into the skin than the sun does, says Lim. For people concerned about their skin’s appearance, that’s a big problem, since most prematurely wrinkled, spotted and leathery skin can be blamed on exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
More troublesome is the increased risk of skin cancer associated with UV rays. Sunburns have long been associated with skin cancer, andDr. Scott Fosko, chairman of dermatology at St. Louis University School of Medicine, says people can get burned in tanning salons as well as from the sun. "The tanning industry says tanning beds are a safe way to get a tan, but I see a lot of people who use tanning beds who get burned," he says. "They are not so simple." Those with the lightest skin need to be the most careful.
But even if you don’t get burned, skin experts say UVA、rays’ deep penetration into the skin causes genetic damage and increases the risk of malignant melanoma (恶性黑色素), the most serious type of skin cancer.Dermatologists are particularly distressed at the growing number of younger people developing melanoma and other skin cancers.A、recent review of skin cancer studies, conducted by the InternationalAgency for Research onCancer, concluded that people under 35 who use tanning beds increase their risk of developing melanoma by 75 percent. Meanwhile, the Indoor TanningAssociation countered this unfavorable news by launching a media blitz in March accusing dermatologists of ignoring the positive benefits of sun exposure, including the natural production of vitaminD、Their new website, also launched in March, goes as far as to say "there is no compelling evidence that UV exposure causes melanoma".
Many people start using tanning beds when they’re teenagers, researchers say.A、2003 study done atCase Western Reserve University found that nearly 40 percent of whiteAmerican teens have used a tanning bed at least once, and 47 percent of 18-and-19-year-olds say they’ve used them repeatedly. "A、lot of these places set up shop close to schools and place ads in the school newspapers," Fosko says. That’s one reason most states have instituted age restrictions and some now require parental permission or presence on site. This type of regulation has limited effect, however. Not only is enforcement spotty, Fosko says research indicates that many kids get hooked on tanning because their parents are regular customers.
More government restrictions may be coming soon. While tanning equipment is currently required to have warning labels,Congress last year passed the TANAct, which directed the Food andDrugAdministration to determine what changes, if any, need to be made to sunbeds’ warning labels to make them more noticeable, accurate and understanda
试题答案:the top layer of skin 答案解析:[定位] 由题干中的self-tanning和DHA可以定位到第七段的前两句For those…containing dihydroxyacetone (DHA) as a safer alternative to real tans.These products simply stain the top layer of skin… [精析] 此处要填入名词性成分作宾语。从原文可知,为了让自己肤色看起来健康但又没有日晒的危险,皮肤专家推荐可以使用包含DHA的防晒产品作为日晒的替代品。这些产品只能是留在皮肤的表面,对皮肤细胞没有实质保护作用。由此得出,这种防晒产品只能保护皮肤表面,所以答案为the top layer of skin。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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