
解析:The idea of public works projects a

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【单选题】The idea of public works projects as a device to prevent or control depression was designed as means of creating job opportunities for unemployed workers and as a "pump priming" device to aid business to revive. It was conceived during the early year as of the NewDealEra (1933-1937).By 1933, the number of unemployed workers had reached about 13 million. This meant that about 50 million people-about one third of the nation-were without means of support.At first, direct relief in the form of cash or food was provided for these people. This made them recipients (接受者) of government charity. In order to remove this stigma (耻辱) and restore to the unemployed some measure of respectability and human dignity, a plan was devised to create governmentally sponsored work projects that private industry would not or could not provide. This would also stimulate production and revive business activity.
The best way to explain how this procedure is expected to work is to explain how it actually worked when it was first trieD、The first experiment with it was the creation of the Works ProjectAdministration (WP
A、. This agency set up work projects in various fields in which there were many unemployeD、For example, unemployed actors were organized into theater projects; orchestras were organized for unemployed musicians, teaching projects for unemployed teachers, and even writers’ projects for unemployed writers. Unemployed laborers were put to building work or maintaining roads, parks, playgrounds, or public buildings. These were all temporary "work relief" projects rather than permanent work opportunities.
More substantial work projects of a permanent nature were organized by another agency, the Public WorksAdministration (PW
A、. This agency undertook the planning of construction of schools, houses, post offices, dams, and other public structures. It entered into contracts with private construction firms to erect them, or it loaned money to local or state governments which undertook their construction. This created many jobs in the factories producing the material as well as in the projects themselves, and greatly reduced the number of the unemployeD、
Still another agency which provided work projects for the unemployed was theCivilianConservationCorpsCCC.. This agency provided job opportunities for youths aged 16 to 20 to work in national parks or forests clearing land, guarding against fires, building roads, or doing other conservation work. In the event of a future depression, the federal government might revive any or all of the above methods to relieve unemployment and stimulate business.
TheCivilianConservationCorps mainly offered jobs ______.

A、to give more opportunities to various age groups
B.to foster the spirit ofAmerican youths
C.that are laborious to youngsters
D.under the name of relieving family burdens

[解析] 根据题干信息词Civilian Conservation Corps定位到最后一段。 关于该组织,本段第二句介绍说:“这家机构为年龄介于16岁到20岁之间的青年提供工作机会,让他们在国家公园或森林清理土地、防火、修路或从事其他保护工作。”由此可见,该机构给年轻人提供工作,从列举的工作看多属于艰苦的体力劳动,因此C项与文意相符,故为答案。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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