
解析:{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}} Four

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}

Four in 10 teachers have faced verbal or physical aggression (袭击) from a pupil’s parent or guardian, according to theAssociation of Teachers and Lecturers.And of the 1 000 teachers surveyed, a quarter said a pupil had attacked them. Over a third of teachers in primary schools said they had experienced physical aggression, compared with 20% in secondary schools.
The government says teachers have sufficient means at their disposal to punish destructive pupils. However, almost 60% of those questioned for theAssociation of Teachers and Lecturers’ survey thought pupil behavior had worsened during the past five years.And the responses of the survey questioning over 1 000 teachers from primary and secondary schools appear to suggest that bad behavior is not the preserve of secondary schools.
One teacher at a primary school inEngland said: "A、six-year-old completely trashed the staff room, put a knife through a computer screen, attacked staff and we had to call the police.Another six-year-old attacked staff and pupils with the teacher’s scissors." People. often underestimate that young children can be as violent and intimidating as the older ones.Another teacher said: "I and other members of staff were physically assaulted daily by a five-year-old (including punching). He was taken to the head to ’calm down’ then brought back to apologize.And then we were under attacks again. It became a vicious circle and I was off sick as a result."Around one third of teachers surveyed said that they had lost confidence as a result of the behavior they had faceD、
But most teachers (90%) reported that "destructive behavior" constituted talking in class. "Persistent low-level rudeness and destruction seems to have become a fact of life in education today and no longer raises eyebrows or seems to merit special attention," saidDr Ian Lancaster, a secondary school teacher fromCheshire.
Teachers will discuss the problem at theAssociation of Teachers and Lecturers’ conference next week. Last year it emerged that more than 300 pupils a day were being temporarily, rather than permanently, excluded for violent conduct.A、similar survey byATL two years ago suggested half of teachers knew another who had been driven out of the profession by violent conduct. Holding firmly the idea that no member of teaching staff should be subjected to violent behavior by either students or parents,ATL strongly advocates that "Parents should be acting as good role models by supporting staff and helping them create a more positive learning environment for their children".
What do most teachers say about the destructive behavior of pupilsA.Teachers have seen so much that they tend to ignore it.
B.It makes teachers feel extremely disappointeD、
C.It hurts the teachers badly and they have to stop teaching.
D.It is mainly the students misbehaving in the classroom.


[定位] 由题干中的most teachers, destructive behavior定位到原文第四段第一句But, most teachers(90%)re- ported that "destructive behavior" constituted talking in class. [精析] 语义理解题【考频:69】。90%的教师说学生的破坏性行为一般还是在课堂里说话。所以,D)“主要是在课堂里捣乱”意思与原文最为相近,为正确答案。 [避错] A)“看得太多,只好视而不见”仅是一位教师的评语,而不是大多数教师的意见;与B)“让教师很是失望”相关的教师人数为三分之一,不是大多数;C)“不愿意再继续当老师了”,这只是个别现象,而没有形成大的趋势。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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