
解析:A、To tell him she has made all arr

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

A、To tell him she has made all arrangements for him.
B.To farewell to him.
C.To give him thanks about his good arrangements.
D.To invite him to visitChin


[听力原文]23-25 W: Hello, may I speak to Dean Steward M: Speaking. W: Oh, hello. Dr. Steward, this is Hong. I just called to let you know that all arrangements have been made and I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning. M: Well, so soon. Need any help W: No, everything is OK. Thanks. But I have got a lot more things to take home than I thought. It’ll probably be a little overweight. M: That’s all right for the American air fight. You can have a handbag and a small backpack as carryons. W: Then that won’t be any problem. M: As I have said we are very glad to have had you here. It was a great pleasure. You’re definitely a good student and certainly a good teacher. You’ll go far. W: Thank you. It has been a rewarding year and I appreciate all the help you have given to me. I will never forget the hospitality you showed by inviting me to stay at your place during the first two weeks. You two helped me in so many ways. M: We were fascinated by what you told us about your country. W: You’ve got to come and see for yourselves. M: Well, maybe when we retire, we will. By the way, please let me know if you need anything, books, or information in your research work. W: Thanks. We can stay in contact. Good-bye. M: Good-bye, Hong. Have a good trip. 23. What purpose does the woman call Dr. Steward for [解析] 预览所有选项可以推断,对话可能与向某人辞行有关,也可能与感谢某人有关。本题考查的是打电话的目的,即对话的主旨。由对话中“all arrangements have been made”,“I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning”,“I appreciate all the help you have given to me.”等可以判断,女士是在向男士告别,所以选[B]。[C]“对男士所给予的帮助表示感谢”和[D]“邀请男士去中国”,都是谈话的细节,而不是打电话的目的。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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