
解析:A、They have just won the spelling

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

A、They have just won the spelling contest.
B.They have just won the composition contest.
C.They have just won the speech contest.
D.They have just won the vocabulary contest.


[听力原文]19-22 A: Hello, Michael. How are things going B: Very well, thanks. Cathy, guess what, Tom and I have just won this year’s speech contest. A: Oh, how wonderful! Congratulations! B: Thanks. Are you free this Saturday evening You see, we are thinking about having a Party,.... you know ... just to celebrate. A: Yeah, I’ll be glad to come. You guys deserve to celebrate. You’ve been working so hard, haven’t you B: Yes, to tell the truth, we haven’t had a good night’s sleep last week. We need a break. A: Are there any other people coming to the party B: We’ve invited some of our friends to come over and we would especially like you to join us. A: I’d be delighted to. Thank you ... Um ... Would you like me to bring some food or drinks B: Oh, don’t bother. We’ve got everything ready. A: Oh, that’s very kind of you. By the way, can I bring my sister to the party She’s coming to visit me this weekend. B: Sure, you can. She’ll be welcome. 19. What have Michael and Tom won document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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