
解析:It seems that Mars ______.

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】It seems that Mars ______.

A.may be inhabited by attractive Martians
B.may have some vegetable life
C.can have no life at all
D.may have both vegetable and animal life


文章第二段最后一句说:Mars with a very thin atmosphere and a severe shortage of water,may well support simple plant life but there seems no hope of finding animals...(火星上面空气稀薄,水严重缺乏,不大可能有动物存在,但可能会有简单植物),故选B)。may well support simple plant life but there seems no hope of finding animals已经明确表示可能会有简单植物,不可能存在动物,所以排除C)和D);紧接着一个分句while the attractive Martians(火星人)of the story-tellers have long since been given up.明确提出引人入胜的火星人故事早就弃而不谈了,排除A)。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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