
解析:A、Her grades are improveD、 B.Good

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

A、Her grades are improveD、
B.Good grades are easy to get.
C.Good grades take some sacrifice.
D.Student life is supposed to be difficult.


[听力原文] M: Come on, Tania, you shouldn’t be so serious about your grades. You’re missing the point of student life. W: Well, perhaps you’re the one missing the point of college if you think good grades "grow on trees". M: What does the woman mean [解析] 分析选项可知,对话话题可能与分数有关。[B]表达的是好分数很容易得到,[C]表达的是好分数要付出努力,二者意思相反,故其中之一很有可能是答案.男士建议女士不要对自己的学习成绩要求太严了,说学生生活应当是轻松自在的,女士回答说“你才不明白大学生活的意义所在呢,要是你认为好成绩唾手可得的话。”正确表达女士意思的选项是[C],即“好成绩需要付出努力”。grow on trees是比喻用法,意为“容易得到”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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