

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

A、24 years.
B.80 years.
C.12 years.
D.20 years.


[听力原文]21-25 M: I understand that baseball was first introduced at the Olympic Games in 1912, and became an official Olympic sport for the first time in 1992. But why did it take so long to be officially recognized as an official sport W: Well, after baseball first appeared in Stockholm in 1912, the game did not reappear until the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. Even though many countries had planned to send teams for the game, none of them showed up at the Berlin Olympics. M: So the game was cancelled W: No, let me finish. The only team that showed up at the Berlin Olympics was the American Squad. So the squad was divided into two teams and played a night game. It was reported that the crowd who came to watch the game set a world record. M: I know baseball grew really popular worldwide in the late 1930s. Was this because of the Berlin Olympic Games W: Yes, partially because of the Berlin games, and partially because of the New York Yankees and the legendary baseball player Babe Ruth. M: I have heard that baseball was also very popular at that time in Japan. W: Exactly. And Japan had planned to host the very first official baseball game at the 1940 Olympic Games in Japan. But do you know what happened M: What W: The scheduled game was cancelled because of the outbreak of the Second World War, and the enthusiasm to promote the baseball from its "demonstration" status to its "official" status gradually waned. M: That was too bad. W: 12 years later baseball was re-introduced in the 1952 Olympics in Helsinki, Finland. Later on, baseball was played in 1956 in Melbourne, Australia, and the 1964 Olympic Games at Tokyo, Japan. W: So baseball was not played at every Olympics M: I guess not. 20 years later, baseball once again returned at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, and marked the first tournament format in Olympic baseball history. 21. How long did it take for baseball to be officially recognized as an official sport since it was first introduced at the Olympic Games [分析] :...baseball was first introduced at the Olympic Games in 1912,and became an official Olympic sport for the first time in 1992. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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