
解析:AIDS threatens not only lives butal

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】AIDS threatens not only lives butalso—in poor countries—economic development.By (1) mainly at adults 20 to 49 years old,AIDS robs these societies (2) some of their most productive citizens. Ignorance and fear of the disease can (3) families and communities and may even strain political relations between nations.
BecauseAIDS is a worldwide epidemic (传染病,流行病), nothing (4) than a worldwide effort can control and perhaps some day wipe the disease. Governments must (5) by fully informing their citizens (6) the epidemic and, most important, by telling people (7) actions they can take to prevent infection (感染 ). Public health agencies must also insure that blood transfusions(输血) and (8) are safe. Those already infected should receive (9) attention so they do not spread the virus to (10) .
The US government has committed more than two billion dollars to fight (11) AIDS in 1989—including more than 600 million dollars for research. The screening of blood (12) has already ensured the safety of blood supplies in the US, andAmerican military personnel are required to take (13) blood tests. Public health groups have carried (14) AIDS educatior programs aimed particularly at homo- sexuals, (15) addicts and others whose behavior makes them highly susceptible (易受影响的) (16) the virus US government agencies are also (17) public health authorities throughout the developing world in their efforts to (18) the spread of theAIDS virus and to treat those afflicted with the disease. Given the rapid spread of the disease and the number of people now (19) , the battle againstAIDS will be difficult to win.But it’s a battle the world cannot (20) to lose.




[解析] 惯用搭配题。rob sb./some place of sth.意为“从某人(某处)抢走某物”,其同义用法还有rob sth.from sb./some place,此处属于前一用法,故选C。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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