
解析:{{B}}Questions 19 to 22 are b

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论


{{B}}Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just hearD、{{/B}}
A.We simply cannot help reacting instinctively that way.
B.We wish to hide our indifference to their misfortune.
C.We derive some humorous satisfaction from their misfortune.
D.We think it serves them right for being mean to other people.


[听力原文] 19-22 W: You know I’ve often wondered why people laugh at the picture of a big belly businessman slipping on a banana skin and falling on his bottom. We are to feel sorry for them. M: Actually, Laura, I think we laugh because we are glad it didn’t happen to us. But of course there is also a kind of humorous satisfaction in seeing somebody self-important making a fool of themselves. W: Yes, and there are a lot of jokes about people who are too fat or physically handicapped, you know, deaf, or shortsighted things like that. After all, it’s not really funny to be like that. M: Oh, I think that’s because we’re embarrassed. We don’t know how to cope with the situation. Perhaps we are even a bit frightened we may get like that, so we laugh. M: What about the custard pie routine W: What do you mean custard pie routine’ M: You knoy, all those old films where someone gets so outraged with his boss, He picks up a custard pie and plasters it all over the other person’s face. W: That never makes me laugh much, because you can guess what’s going to happen. But a lot of people still find it laughable. It must because of the sort of the thing we’d all love to do once in a while and never quiet have the courage to. M: I had an old aunt who used to throw cups of tea at people when she was particularly irritated. She said it relieved her feelings. W: It must have come a bit expensive. M: Not really. She took care never to throw her best china. [解析] 从But of course there is also a kind of humorous satisfaction in seeing somebody self-important making a fool of themselves.一句中,可知,我们会嘲笑他人的不幸,是因为我们可以从中得到一种幽默的满足,derive from 意为得到,取得, make a fool of 意为愚弄,出洋相,所以正确答案是C document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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