
解析:The recession is taking a serious t

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】The recession is taking a serious toll onAmerican retail, but e-commerce could emerge as a winner.
According to a new report by Forrester Research, e-commerce sales are (67) . to grow 11% , to $ 156 billion, in 2009. That (68) a slowdown from 13% growth last year and 18% in 2007. The major factor (69) to the pace shift is, of course, (70) consumer confidence.
But e-commerce’s slowed pace is, still (71) better than the National Retail Federation’s (72) 0.5% drop in overall retail sales this year.
That means e-commerce is stealing market share from (73) retail -- and fast.By Forrester’s estimates, in 2008 e-commerce (74) for 5% of all retail sales. In 2012, Forrester thinks ecommerce could have an 8% (75) .
One recent factor is that online shopping promises bargains to price-sensitive consumers. ’The recession is definitely (76) more consumers to do their homework (77) they go and complete a purchase, ’ says Forrester analyst Sucharita Mulpuru.
E-commerce is also (78) protected because online shoppers tend to be wealthier: about half of all online shopping is done by households that earn more than $ 75,000 per year, (79) though they’re just about a (80) of all households with Internet access.
(81) not all Internet companies are set to benefit equally. Last month, e-commerce (82) eBay posted its first-ever quarterly revenue decline, (83) Amazon reported a sales surge of 18%.
Smaller players are particularly (84) risk. ’There are some pretty vicious wars as companies go online and duke it out to get market share,’ says Mulpuru. ’The (85) I have is that we could go back down the spiral of death from 1999 and 2000, when companies would under-price themselves without thinking about (86) . ’



[精解] 名词辨义题。此处是对上文所谓重蹈覆辙的进一步解释,即“各家公司只知道大打价格战,而丝毫没有考虑盈利的问题”。故选择profitability“利润,盈利”。proficiency意为“熟练,精通”;possibility意为“可能性”;prohibition意为“禁止,阻止”,词形相近,词意差别较大,可排除。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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