
解析:Vacations are what keep us going: f

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】Vacations are what keep us going: fantasies of sunny, sandy beaches on rainy, gray days when the kids are bouncing off the walls; touring a quiet museum instead of listening to your boss barking in the next office; hiking a mountain rather than sitting in rush-hour traffiC、But vacations, by their nature, are also a change — an interruption of the familiar flow of people, places and routines. That’’s why adults find travel exciting — and why it can be hard on kids. To ensure that your next vacation is low on stress and disappointment and high on enjoyment, you have got to take careful stock of your family’’s strengths, weaknesses, dreams and realities.The biggest drawback to traveling with infants is the mind-boggling (十分惊人的) array of gear and accessories (附属品) they require and the frequency with which they must sleep and eat. While it is a logistical (后勤的) challenge to make plans that fit around your infant’’s routines, it is a fact that sticking to regular eating and sleeping patterns will dramatically increase your chances of keeping your baby happy and contente
D、However, it is also a fact that as soon as you get used to one routine, your baby will attempt to foil your plans by developing a new one. So be sure to create an itinerary (路程) that is flexible. You might all go to a museum in the morning, but if your baby starts to retreat, be prepared to go back to the hotel. If he is doing well, stay in town for lunch. You might then plan to sit by the pool for most of the afternoon or arrange for the adults to split up for a couple of hours — one staying with the baby and the other enjoying a solo activity or special time with an older chil
D、If you use this approach, you will likely have fewer problems than if you choose an itinerary that locks you into a full day’’s activities, hours away from your accommodations. We can infer from the passage that ________.
A、it is quite demanding for parents to make flexible plans on the basis of their infant’’s routines
B.children are quick at getting used to the planned routine and are content with it
C.parents have to experience a series of frustrations in traveling with their infants

D、the settlement on a destination mainly depends on the interests of the infants


推断题。第二段第二句challenge to make plans that fit around your infant’’s routines与A)意思一致;制订一个灵活的计划对父母是一种挑战。而B)content with it错了。至于C)中“frustration”未提及,而D)中的度假的目的地也不主要取决于孩子的兴趣。故选A). document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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