
解析:A、The use of photographs in painti

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A、The use of photographs in painting.
B.The TV program about Norman Rockwell.
C.The SaturdayEvening Post magazine.
D.Exhibits of art on magazine covers.


[听力原文] 23-25 M: Did you see that TV special on Norman Rockwell last night W: Yes, I did. It was really good, wasn’t it M: It sure was. I thought it was really interesting how he developed the paintings in states starting with photographs. W: Yes, I did, too. It never occurred to me that he would have actually employed models. I just assumed that he invented all those wonderful characters. M: I know. But it does make sense to use photographs of real people, to solve as many of the composition problems as possible before starting to paint. W: True. Anyway, you know what I like most about his work M: What W: Well, when you look at one of the magazine covers, which magazine was it M: The Saturday Evening Post. W: Yes, you can just tell what the people are thinking and feeling. The picture really tells a story. M: You’re right. I like that, too. And to think that he created several hundred of those. W: Amazing. Of course, that was over a period of almost sixty years, but still... M: I’d like to see them when that exhibit comes to Miami. W: What exhibit M: The one they mentioned after the special. W: Oh. I must have turned it off before the announcement. I’d like to see it, too. let’s go 23.What do the speakers mainly discuss [解题思路] 本题考的是谈话的主题。需要依据会话重点做出选择。 [详细解答] 此类题目,要注意会话的重点,尤其是要注意关键词和具有提示作用的词语。由“Did you see that TV special on Norman Rockwell last night ”以及以后的内容可以做出选择。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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