


3题: The coir stood in four rows according to their ()heights.
A. respectable
B. respectful
C. respective
D. respected

4题:Directions: In this part there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements.Read the passage carefully.Then answer the questions or complete the statements in less than 10 words.
Have you ever been asked to take a polygraph test for a job?A polygraph,also called a lie detector,is a device that is used to find out if someone is telling a lie.It is based on the belief that lying causes certain physical reactions.These reactions,which include a change in blood pressure and pulse rate,are measured by
the polygraph.
Lie detector tests are often used in court and in the workplace.However,a law th
at went effect in December 1988 limits the ways that employers can use these tests.Employers can no longer use them to screen(审查) people who are applying for
jobs.The only exception is for those who want government jobs as security guards or drug handlers.Also,managers can no longer ask workers to take such tests unless there is reasonable suspicion that the worker has stolen or damaged property.This will curb tests for suspected offenses,such as drug use or sexual harassm
ent,and for workers who were merely in the area of a theft.Bosses who request lie detector tests will have to tell workers why they are suspected of an offense.
Also,they may not ask questions that degrade workers,such as questions about their sex lives.
In any case,according to the new law,the test is now voluntary:You can't be fired for refusing to take it.If you have been forced to take a polygraph test,or if
you are not being given a promotion because you have refused to take the test,
you can sue the company or file a complaint with the Department of Labor.The Department of Labor can fine employers up to $10,000.
71. What is the passage mainly about?
72. How does the polygraph work?
73. The law of December,1988 prohibits employers from examing people who apply for jobs except ____
74. Nowadays the bosses can ask the workers to take the polygraph tests only
under the condition that____
75. Under the new law,if a boss forces his worker to take a polygraph test,w
hat punishment will he get?

5题:Professor Zhao was invited to____the speech.
A.complain of 
B.comment on 
C.come up with 
D.cooperate with 

6题: Fire is()in water.

7、8、9、10、11题:Ironically,in the United States,a country of immigrants,prejudice and discrimination continue to be serious problems.There was often tension between each established group of immigrants and each succeeding group.As each group became more financially successful,and more powerful,they excluded newcomers from full participation in the society.Prejudice and discrimination are part of our history,however,this prejudicial treatment of different groups is nowhere more unjust than with black Americans.
Blacks had distinct disadvantages.For the most part,they came to the “land of opportunity”as slaves and they were not free to keep their heritage and cultural
traditions.Unlike most European immigrants,blacks did not have the protection of a support group;sometimes slaveowners separated members of the same family.
They could not mix easily with the established society either because of their skin color.It was difficult for them to adapt to the American culture.Even after
they became free people,they still experienced discrimination in employment,housing,education,and even in public facilities,such as restroom.
26. Prejudice and discrimination____.
A.were gone
B.have been existing in the American society
C.don't exclude new immigrants from participation in the society
D.are mainly caused by the slavery 
27. Established and succeeding immigrants____.
A.were reluctant to help newcomers to adapt to the new surroundings
B.were willing to support newcomers financially
C.were great helpers of slaves and Indians
D.were treated unequally by American Indians 
28. One of the reasons why black Americans could not easily mix in American
society is____.
A.that most Americans are immigrants
B.due to their skin color
C.that they speak their language differently from Americans
D.that they were free to keep their heritage 
29. The author specifically mentions that____.
A.black Americans are most prejudicially treated in the U.S.
B.discrimination in the South was not more obvious than in the North
C.the situation of blacks is almost the same today as it was in the 1930s
D. after blacks became free people they didn't experience discrimination in
employment and public facilities 
30. The attitude of the author is____.


13、14、15、16、17题:Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:
Every day,thousands of managers,bankers,sales executives,lawyers,accountants,and
other professionals are driven to anger and despair by the hard realities of the changing world of work.The oncesolid foundation for millions of middleclass families—the corporate career—is in shambles.The Organization Man of the 1950s and 1960s is being replaced by the migrant manager and freelance professional of the 1990s.
The pain of change is all around us.Corporations are rushing to cut costs and downsize before year end.They want to take their lumps in 1991,in preparation for a stronger recovery in 1992.That means an unusual powerful wave of layoffs will sweep through the U.S. during the last quarter of 1991.Already,the drumbeat of bad news is growing louder.
Whitecollar workers will join the growing ranks of oncesecure employees who are finding themselves on the outside—alone,afraid,and angry.Who doesn ' t have a brother or a sister,a parent or a friend who has lost a job recently?The economic recovery will ease the pain,but it won't stop it.Forces of fierce global competition and industrial consolidation are compelling corporations to cut entire layers of middle managers and whole categories of professional staff.Few companies can hide from the intense pressure of international competition anymore.
36. The changing world of work is making American managers and professionals__. 
A.helpless B.desperate C.angry D.both B and C 
37. The corporate career is the foundation for
A.bankers B.lawyers and accountants
C.all top managers D.millions of middleclass families 
38. In order to get a stronger recovery,corporations are____.
A.reducing their sizes B.cutting costs
C.laying off employees D.all above 
39. Whitecollar workers will be_____.
A.on the inside B.on the outside
C.afraid and angry D.both B and C 
40. American corporations are_____.
A.free from international competition.
B.immune to industrial consolidation.
C.under the intense pressure of international competition.
D.stopping the pain of industrial consolidation. 





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