
解析:Generally, women don’t content them

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】Generally, women don’t content themselves with the chores. Perhaps there are far more wives than I imagine who take it for (67) that housework is neither satisfying nor even important (68) the basic demands have been (69) .But home and family is the one realm in (70) it is really difficult to shake free of one’s upbringing and (71) new values. If that (72) been all, maybe I could have adapted myself (73) housework on an easy-going, utilitarian basis, refusing the moral hints but still (74) in it as something constructive, (75) it is part of creating a home.But at the same time my mother (76) to resent doing it, and (77) me that it wasn’t a fit activity for an intelligent being. I was the only child, and once I was at school there was no (78) why she should have continued (79) her will to remain in the house.
I can now begin to (80) why a woman in a small suburban house, with no infants to look (81) , who does not (82) reading because she has not had much of an education, should carry the pursuit of tiny points of dust in an attempt to (83) hours and save her self-respect. My parents had not even the status-seeking impetus to send me to university; my mother (84) me to be "a nice quiet person who wouldn’t be (85) in a crowd", and it was feared that university education results (86) ingratitude (independence).


[一点即通] 本题考查固定搭配。整个句子是过去时,空格处又是句子的谓语动词部分,由此可知,应选A)项,used to do“过去常常做某事”。 [深度点拨] begin to do“开始做”;want to do“想要做某事”;set to do“开始认真做”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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