
解析:A、It is a small amount to pay for

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

A、It is a small amount to pay for so much precious metal.
B.It is difficult to judge the value of such an object.
C.It is reasonable for an object with such an important function.
D.It is too high for such a light weight.


[听力原文] What does Dr. Thomas probably think about the cost of the new weight 在女士认为新的标准重量很贵,男士解释说“Industries depend on our government agency to monitor the accuracy of scales so that”,说明其作用重大,选项C)的内容与此同义,因此为正确答案。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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