
解析:We enjoy fine food from the first t

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】We enjoy fine food from the first taste to the last. Similarly, good writing is something we (1) with pleasure.And good writers, good cooks, do not (2) appear full- blown. Quite the contrary, just as the cook has to undergo an (3) training, mastering the skills of his (4) , the writer must sit at his desk and devote long hours to (5) a style in his writing, whatever its purpose—schoolwork, matters of business, or (6) social communication. With patience and practice can you turn your creative desire into (7) writing. You may be sure that the more painstaking the effort, the more (8) the writing, and the more rewarding.
There are still some (9) places in the world where you might find a public scribe to do your business or social writing for you, for a(n) (10) . There are a few managers who are lucky enough to have the service of that kind of secretary who can (11) all sorts of letter writing with (12) a quick note to work from.But for most of us, (13) there is any writing to be done, we have to do it ourselves.
We have to write school papers, business papers or home papers. We are constantly called (14) to put words to paper. It would be difficult to count the number of such words, messages, letters, and reports (15) the mails or delivered (16) , but the daily figure must be (17) . What is more, every one who writes expects, or (18) hopes. We want whatever we write to be read, from the first word to last, not just (19) some "letters-to-be-read" file or a wastepaper basket. This is the (20) we bend our efforts toward learning and practicing the skill of interesting, effective writing.

[解析] 副词辨析题。B:suddenly指“突然地”,强调事情意外地发生。而此处的实际情况是:想要成为好的作家,必须勤学苦练,所以B:suddenly符合文意,故为正确答案。A:quickly指“速地,迅速地”,仅仅强调速度之快和动作的敏捷,意思不够贴切,因此排除;C:occasionally指“偶尔地”,表示频率,而原文意思与频率无关,故排除;D:expectedly指“预期地”,不符合文意,因此排除。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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