
解析:If a boy and girl has grown up in

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【单选题】 If a boy and girl has grown up in a home with sharing tasks and decisions, he or she will probably______.
A.accept equality as their parents did
B.believe that life is a "battle of sexes"
C.prepare more fully for participation in a cooperative world
D.insist that man has a place in the home


[解析] 事实细节题。文章首段最后一句指出"In such a home,the growing boy and girl learn to accept ... by the ’ battle of the sexes'."(在这样的家庭,即父母双方共同承担家庭责任的家庭中,孩子比他们的父母更乐于接受平等,并准备好加入到合作的世界,而不是“两忭斗争”的世界中。)由此可知,C)项与文章内容相符。[避错指导]首段最后一句指出:在这种家庭中长大的孩子比父母更容易接受平等,由此可排除 A);B)项“他们相信生活是‘两性斗争”’与首段最后一句话内容相反,故排除;D)项“他们主张男人在家庭中有地位”与题意不符,故排除。 查看试题解析出处>>


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