
解析:In the formal place settings, many

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】In the formal place settings, many people are afraid they will fail to choose the proper utensil (器具)for the stages of the meal. Just remember this point: use the outermost utensil or utensils, one set for each course, and you can’’t go wrong.Because for a formal place setting, you will receive exactly as much silverware as you will need, arranged in precisely the right order. Developing the habit of taking a moment to observe can be very useful in preventing awkward mistakes.At smaller events, it is common to wait to take a bite until everyone at the table has received a serving and the hostess has begun eating. Sometimes a hostess may urge her guests to eat immediately upon receiving the fooD、This is especially true at larger events, where waiting for everyone would allow it to get colD、In this case, wait until one or two of the other guests are ready to begin as well, so that you are not the only person at the table who is eating. Elbows, elbows, if you’’re able — keep your elbows off the table! Sit up straight, with your arms held near your body. You should neither lean on the back of the chair nor bend forward to place the elbows on the table. It is permissible to lean forward slightly every now and then and press the elbows very lightly against the edge of the table, if it is obvious that you are not using them for support.When you are eating soup, dip the spoon into the soup, moving it away from the body, until it is about two-thirds full, then sip the liquid (without slurping) from the side of the spoon (without inserting the whole bowl of the spoon into the mouth). It is perfectly fine to tilt the bowl slightly — again away from the body — to get the last spoonful or two of soup.The general rule for removing food from your mouth is that it should go out the same way it went in. Therefore, a piece of bone discovered in a bite of chicken should be returned to the plate by way of the fork. Fish is an exception to the rule. It is fine to remove the tiny bones with your fingers, since they would be difficult to drop from your mouth onto the fork. When you are eating soup at the banquet______.
A、it’’s not polite to move the spoon away from the body in the bowl
B.you can take it from the tip of the spoon
C.it’’s rude to raise one end of the bowl to some degree to get the last spoonful of soup
D.you’’d better not put the whole bowl of the spoon into the mouth


正确的喝汤方式是:盛汤时将汤匙向外滑动,喝时从匙边轻轻吸人,不要啧啧做声,不可把整个汤匙都吞到嘴里。但可以将汤碗向外倾斜,喝尽碗中汤。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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