
解析:A、Californi A、 B.SouthernAlask A、

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

C.The arctiC、


[听力原文]26-28 One of the most famous tourist attraction in the State of California is the giant redwood. This redwood might be described as "the tree with the moving foot" because it is not even a native Californian, believe it or not. These trees, which are among the largest anti oldest of all living things, moved to California from the Arctic. Long, long ago they grew in the Arctic. just as enormous and tall as they are today. But the warmer climate drew them southward and it took some seventy - five million years to complete the move. Carried by birds, winds, and some strong - teethed animals, the seeds of the redwood traveled thousands of miles from what is now the northernmost tip of Alaska to California, their last stand. Only the hardest of seeds survived --a few that visited Europe soon died out. But those that made it to California put down roots, grew into luxuriant forests, anti became camera subjects for the hundreds of thou sands of tourists who visit California’s giant redwood each year. 26. Where did these trees grow u long time ago [详细解答] 文中第二段第一句话“These trees,which are among the largest and oldest of all living things,moved to California from the Arctic”,这些树作为现存所有生物中最大最古老的物种是从北极迁移到加利福尼亚的,由此可见,这些树从前是长在北极的。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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