
解析:Where did tile Afghan Islamic Pres

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【单选题】 Where did tile Afghan Islamic Press based
B.Saudi Arabia.
D.United Arab Emirates.


[听力原文]28-30 Afghanistan's Taleban Militia has launched a large-scale offensive against opposition-held areas in northern Takhar province. The Pakistan-based Afghan Islamic Press said the attacks, backed by tanks, artillery and heavy mortars, are aimed at three districts south of the provincial capital, Taloqan, Chaal, Ishkamish and Namakabad. Taloqan was captured by the Taleban last September in a major defeat of forces led by opposition commander Ahmed Shah Masood. It sits astride the main road leading south to Faizabad, capital of Badakshan province, the city now used by the opposition as its capital. The opposition government of ousted President Burha-nuddin Rabanni, still enjoys international recognition although the Taleban now controls about 90 per cent of the country. Only Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates recognize the Taleban. [试题分析] 本题是细节题。 [详细解答] 这家媒体虽冠以Afghan之名,但却是反对派控制的,不在阿富汗境内,而是Pakistan-based. 查看试题解析出处>>


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