
解析:Questions 52 to 56 are based on th

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【单选题】Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.
Jonathan Glater, a visiting assistant professor of law at the University ofCalifornia, Irvine, and a former reporter at the New York Times, has published a paper called The OtherBig Test: WhyCongress ShouldAllowCollege Students toBorrow More Through FederalAid Programs.
His basic proposal is this: Federal student loans offer better terms and repayment options than the highly toxic, variable rate private student loans, and so therefore the government should allow college students to borrow up to the full cost of attendance using federal loans.
The first part is true, and the second part is insane. With section titles like "Borrowing MoreCanBe Good" and "Learning to LoveDebt," there’s a lot of things about this proposal to dislike.
But my least favorite part of the plan is this: Increasing federal student loan limits will encourage students to borrow more money, because there is a perception that it’s more conservative to borrow through the federal government: "Why would Uncle Sam stick me with too much debt It must be OK !"
Mark Kantrowitz,a leading student loan expert and founder of FinAiD、org, agrees with me.
"Students often treat loan limits as targets, so it is likely that this will lead to undergraduate students borrowing more than they need," Mr. Kantrowitz said in an email. "It would also lead to students enrolling at colleges they can’t really afford, since they could borrow without restraint up to the full college costs. That will make it more difficult for them to repay the debt, since the debt will be out of sync with incomes. Income-based repayment does provide a safety net, but one should not need to routinely rely on such a safety net for more than a few percent of the student population. The risk with the colleges is not that they would increase tuition more than they already do given an unlimited source of liquidity(偿债能力),but rather that they would substitute the loans for institutional grants, reducing the amount and proportion of gift aid in the financial aid package. That would yield a significant real increase in the bottom line cost of college."
Glater’s proposal relies heavily on the idea that the forgiveness programs on student loans really make these programs more like grants, and that they could be marketed that way. Kantrowitz called that idea a "misleading" marketing tactic that would be "ultimately very harmful. "
The solution to the college cost crisis is to increase grant aid, get serious about cutting the cost structures at public colleges, and for students and families to do everything they can to pay cash for college. Raising the federal student loan limits should not even be part of the discussion.
What do we learn from Glater’s suggestionA.Only students in private colleges can apply for private student loans.
B.Private student loans have a more stable rate than federal student loans.
C.Federal student loans are more beneficial to college students.
D.Students can borrow the loans that cover all the college expenses.


[答案详解] 根据题干关键同Glater’s suggestion定位到原文第二段:…Federal student loans offer better term sand repayment options than the highly toxic,variable rate private student loans,and SO.therefore the government should allow college students to borrow up to the full cost of attendance using federal loans.可知,私人学生贷款利率多变、危害性强,而联邦学生贷款的条款和还款选择更优惠,因此联邦学生贷款对学生来说更有利,故选C)项。题干中suggestions对应原文proposal。 [避错点拨] A)项“只有私立学院的学生能申请私人学生贷款”文中未提及。B)项“私人学生贷款的利率比联邦学生贷款更稳定”恰恰与原文相反。Glater在建议中提到“政府应允许大学生使用联邦贷款借得最多满足入学所有费用的贷款”。可知目前大学生还不能通过联邦贷款借得入学所有费用,故D)项也不正确。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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