

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】{{B}}SectionA{{/B}}{{B}}Directions:{{/B}}{{I}} In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was saiD、Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause, you must read the four choices markedA、,B、,C、andD、, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter onAnswer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.{{/I}}{{B}} Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just hearD、{{/B}}
A、Edna found some money.
B.Edna was generous to relatives.

C、Edna was relatively generous.
D.Edna received money from relatives.


[听力原文] W: You know, Edna has come into a lot of money recently. M: Yes, I heard that her relatives were generous to her. Q: What can be said about Edna [详解] 女士说Edna最近有了很多钱,男士回答说:是的,我听说她的亲戚们对她很慷慨的。这里generous很重要。故选D。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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