
解析:{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}} Sinc

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【单选题】{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}

Since ancient times, the destructive effects of earthquakes on human lives and property have encouraged the search for reliable methods of earthquake prediction. This challenge remains and modern scientists continue to search for reliable methods to determine the time, place and intensity of individual quakes. One prediction technique involves an analysis of the recurrence (重现) rates of earthquakes as indicators of future activity.Earthquakes are concentrated in certain areas of the world which are subject to constant movements of earth’s plates and it is in these areas that scientists focus their investigations.
This search for pre-earthquake phenomena has received particular attention. In contrast to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who relied on the crying of dogs as a warning sign, modern scientists have focused on physical evidence for a coming earthquake.Evidence of plate strain can be found by measuring relative movements, while chemical changes also offer signals for scientists.
Analysis of the changes in magnetic properties and conductivity (传导性) of rocks provides further data for prediction. The electrical and magnetic properties of crustal (地壳的) rocks are particularly sensitive to strain. The conductivity of crustal rock is determined by the degree to which the rock is soaked with fluid and the electrolytic properties of those fluids.Before large earthquakes, small fractures develop in rocks, which change the quantity of fluid present. These changes can be measured and provide useful datA、However, similar changes in the fluid, bearing capacity of rock can occur as a result of other factors such as changes in the water table, and therefore this technique is not entirely reliable.
The ancient believe that the behavior of birds, cats and dogs provides evidence of inevitable earthquakes has recently been attended as a result of tests carried out inCaliforniA、It has been shown that changes take place in the metabolic (新陈代谢的) rates of these animals correlate with subsequent seismic activity. It is assumed that the animals are sensitive to the seismic waves which precede major quakes. In zones where earthquakes are known to occur, improved construction techniques can significantly reduce the effects of seismic waves. If more accurate information regarding the time and intensity were available, governments could take even more effective measures to reduce the impact on human life, if, however, an entirely accurate prediction technique became available, there would be significant social and political implications.
It can be inferred from the passage that ______.A.animals can be used as very accurate indications of earthquakes
B.precise predictions of coming earthquakes can be expected in the near future
C.constructions improvements can help diminish destructive effects of earthquakes
D.ancient people are wiser than modern men in using animals for earthquake predictions


[定位] 由题干中的inferred from the text以及各选项定位到原文全文,尤其原文首末段。 [精析] 综合推断题[考频:28]。原文末段说。改进的建筑技术可以大大减小地震波所造成的后果”,由此可以推知,建筑方面的改善可以帮助减小地震的毁灭性后果。可知C)正确。 [避错] 原文只是提及“科学家认为动物对震前的震波非常敏感”,并未说动物可以用来非常准确地预测地震,排除A);由原文“如果对地震时间和强度有了更准确的预测”可知这只是一种假设,B)把假设肯定化了,不合文意,排除;原文并没有将古人和现代人进行对比,也就无所谓古人在运用动物预测地震方面比现代人聪明,也排除D)。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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