
解析:Ten Keys to Success What is it th

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Ten Keys to Success
What is it that makes people successful and I mean really successful compared to you or meAre they smarter or do they work harderAre they risk takers or have powerful and influential friends
The financial newspaper InvestorsBusinessDaily (IBD、asked these same questions a few years ago and started a multi-year search for the answer. They studied industry leaders, investors and entrepreneurs to understand the traits they all had in common that contributed to their success. Reproduced here is their list of 10 Secrets to Success along with my commentary on each not-so-secret "secret".
I decided to reproduce the list here and comment on each of the traits in hopes of motivating you and myself in the process. It’s time for me to take my own advice and start on the path to my dreams. I hope to motivate you, by using myself as an example.
I originally came across this list when I was staring at some papers on a refrigerator owned by someone who was very successful--both personally and financially. My family and I had just spent the night as a guest in a great house in the suburbs ofBoston. We were living life large as we played pool in the race room, drank wine from the wine cellar, and enjoyed a dip in the hot tuB、The problem was, neither of the couples in the house owned the property or the life we were pretending to have. You see, my friends were house sitting for the original owner and they had invited us to stay for the weekenD、
It wasn’t until the morning after our little "party" that I noticed something taped to the refrigerator--something that impacts me each time I read it. It was the IBD、10 Secrets to Success. Once my head cleared, I quickly copied them down and read them over and over again.After our vacation I made copies and posted them in my home office and inside a journal I decided to keep.
The problem was, after a couple of months I forgot about the secrets and they fell by the wayside.And so did my actions towards my goals.At the time the articles 7 Ways to Grow theAction Habit or How To Motivate Yourself--Self Motivation didn’t exist and I lost my motivation. Well, I re-discovered the list and want to share it with you now. I hope you take this not-so-secret "secrets" to heart and realize your dreams--whatever they may be.
1. How You Think IsEverything.
Always be positive. Think Success, not Failure.Beware of a negative environment.
This trait has to be one of the most important in the entire fist. Your belief that you can accomplish your goals has to be unwavering. The moment you say to yourself "I can’t...", then you won’t. I was always given the advice "never say I can’t" and I’d like to strike those words from the dictionary.
I’ve found that from time-to-time my attitude wavers.A、mentor of mine once said "it’s ok to visit pity city, but you can’t stay and there comes a time when you need to leave. " Positive things happen to positive people.
2.Decide upon Your TrueDreams and Goals.
Write down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them.
Write down my dreams and goalsDevelop a plan to reach them You mean like a project plan Yes, that’s exactly what this means. You may have heard the old adage:A、New Year’s resolution that isn’t written down is just a dream, and dreams are not goals.
Goals are those concrete, measurable stepping stones of achievement that track your progress towards your dreams. My goal is to start a second career as a freelance writer--what are your goals
3. TakeAction: Goals are nothing without action.
Be like Nike and "Just do it". I took action by reaching out and started writing.Every day I try to take some action towards my goals. It may be small, but it’s still an action. Have you taken action towards your goals
4. Never Stop Learning: Go back to school or
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