
解析:Students who want to study in the U

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【单选题】Students who want to study in the United States may find that their chances for financial aid are limiteD、They often have to pay for their (67) with their own savings or their family’s money.
A、recent (68) from the Institute of InternationalEducation in New York looked at the 2005 -2005 school year:
Colleges and universities in the United States had more than half a million foreign students. 53% of them paid for school (69) by themselves or with family help. 26% were (70) by the school they attendeD、There are other (71) of financial aid for international students. These include a student’s (72) government or university, or the United States government. Private sponsors, international organizations and employers may also provide support.
(73) during the last school year, not many students were able to depend on (74) of these other sources.Current employers provided the most help. (75) , they represented the main support for just four percent of international students. Those at the graduate level, (76) , are more likely than undergraduates to (77) financial aiD、
More than eighty percent of foreign (78) depended mostly on personal and family money to pay for school (79) year. The same was true (80) less than half of graduate students.
A (81) ofAmerican schools that offer financial aid to (82) students can be found at a useful Web site. The (83) is edupass, org. This site also provides information about scholarship programs.But it (84) foreign students not to pay (85) there is any charge for scholarship application forms. You could be (86) out of your money.


[精解] 名词辨义题。该句是说:一个有用的网站发布了一份名单,其中罗列了美国所有提供经济援助的学校。故此处应选择a list of “一列,一栏”。a matter of意为“是……的问题”;a blast of意为“一阵风”; menu意为“菜单”,不符合句意,可排除。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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