

来源:网考网四六级 所有评论

【分析解答题】青春是人生的一个重要阶段。2.然而,对于不同的人来说,这一阶段的生活也不同。3.自己对待青春的态度。{{B}} Youth{{/B}}
试题答案: 答案解析:{{B}} Youth{{/B}} Youth is an important stage in life. When a person reaches this stage, he has become full-grown. That is to say, he has fully matured in his body, character, power, etc. He is no longer a child. He can accomplish some thing or even achieve great successes in this period of life. Many a man becomes great when he is young in the human history. However, life of this period differs with different persons. Different persons have different ideas as to how to spend their youth. Some want to spend it for only enjoying themselves by eating, drinking, and even fooling about. As a result, a few of them become wrong-doers. Others study diligently to enrich their knowledge or work hard to develop their abilities to serve the people. Thus they become persons who are of value to the people. We are young students, so we should value our youth very highly. Since youth is the time of both physical and mental growth, we have to make the best of our golden age in life, building our bodies and broadening our knowledge. And we dedicate our youth to our country. We must never idle about or waste our time and energy, while bursting with youthful vigour; otherwise, we’ll accomplish nothing in the end, as the saying goes: "If one does not exert oneself in youth, will regret it in old age." document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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