
解析:A、report last week showed that alm

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A、report last week showed that almost half of all men failed to take up their offering of two weeks paternity leave (陪产假). TheEquality and Human RightsCommission, (67) carried out the research, found that most men who failed to take the (68) did so because they felt unable to afford it.
The research was not (69) to paternity leave. It also found that two out of five men were afraid of asking for flexible working (70) it harm their careers by making them appear uncommitteD、The same number (71) to feeling that they spent too little time with their children.
(72) there is something going on (73) British culture-and one thing driving our culture is the legal framework in which (74) operates. (75) to the two-week paternity leave for men, women have a one-year offering. The (76) offerings are a signal that in this society men belong in the office (77) women should take the lead at home.

A、big change (78) the horizon is the one that will (79) the way for men to take the second six months of their partner’s leave (80) the woman returns to work. It is a welcome change.But it still starts with the same (81) premise(前提) because the leave is offered to the woman who can then choose to (82) it on. To launch a real (83) in culture, it would be better to offer it to them both and let them decide. (84) when men do shake off the cultural chain that (85) them to the office--and their breadwinner (86) --they can be wonderful full-time fathers.



考查语义逻辑。四成的男性不敢要求从事灵活性大的工作是怕不受限制会危害他们职业生涯的发展,lest“以免;唯恐”符合文意,且语法上,it后面的动词为harm(原形),实际省略了should,四项中只有lest有此特殊用法。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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