
2019年05月10日来源:网考网GMAT 所有评论

【单选题】Adam’s dog, a golden retriever named Hans, can respond to over 150 different commands.Adam cites this fact as evidence for his claim that Hans can understand theEnglish language.
Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt onAdam’s claim that Hans can understand theEnglish language

A、Each of the 150 commands to which Hans responds involves both a spoken word inEnglish and a distinctive hand sign.
B、Hans does not respond to the same commands when spoken to him byAdam’s French and Italian friends in their own languages.
C、Scientists have demonstrated conclusively that canine vocal chords are incapable of replicating many of the sounds used in theEnglish language.
D、Animal behaviorists have demonstrated that even very young dogs surpass both wolves and chimpanzees--animals that are thought to be more intelligent than dogs--in the ability to understand human nonverbal communication.
E、The golden retriever is widely considered to be less intelligent than the border collie, and no border collie has ever been shown to truly understand theEnglish language.


A provides an alternative explanation for the dog’s ability to understand the 150 commands, suggesting that the dog may be responding to the "distinctive hand signs" instead of the English words. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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