
1题:According to the passage, which of the following is true about the films that continued Eisenstein's filmmaking tradition

A.They tend to trivialize the Eisenstein movement by rejecting Hollywood norms.
B.Although they have not been taught frequently, they have had a transgressive influence on experimental film-making.
C.Their availability has been diminished by the apotheosis of Eisenstein as their model.
D.These films are valued for the challenge they have presented to the norms of Hollywood film.
E.(E) These films would almost certainly be more popular with mainstream audiences, if only film studies were less specialized.

2题: His undoubtedly aggressive behavior only served to further endear him to all who had dealings with him, for they recognized that behind the-------facade, there beat a compassionate heart.
A.(A) restrictive
B.(B) self-pitying
C.(C) hospitable
D.(D) retiring
E.(E) bellicose

3题:According to the passage, theorists throughout history have considered all of the following as possible reasons for the ornamentation of male plumage EXCEPT

A.Adornment attracts females on the basis of unconscious aesthetic preferences, increasing their evolutionary advantage.
B.Adornment attracts females to males who resemble their preferred food source, thus contributing to the mating process.
C.Adornment among males signifies heightened physical activity to females, thereby indicating evolutionary superiority.
D.Adornment reduces the amount of energy necessary to frighten rival males, thereby conserving resources.
E.(E) Adornment in plumage frightens rivals away from a limited food source, thereby ensuring a dominant male's survival.


D.make straight
E.(E) muffle

5题: The idea of______, whether the biblical version or the Enlightenment's, is at bottom a tragic notion, for it implies that individual human choices count for nothing against the weight of______, overwhelming protective force.
A.(A) godlessness … a heretic
B.(B) providence … an inexorable
C.(C) destiny … a resentful
D.(D) disaster … a catastrophic
E.(E) fate … a paternal




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