
1题: In this passage, the author is primarily concerned with
A.advancing an argument against human cloning based on evidence from cloning experiments performed on lower life forms
B.measuring the technical and ethical limitations of the embryonic cloning process in mammals
C.refuting arguments against human cloning through the use of hard scientific evidence
D.illuminating the critical ethical distinctions in process between human cloning and sheep cloning
E.(E) describing how the ethical issues in the quest for human cloning have given rise to new models of embryonic development

  • (A) mourn : fury
  • (B) despair : discernment
  • (C) castigate: disapproval
  • (D) behave : forbearance
  • (E) loathe: purpose



E.(E) fanciful

4题: The primary purpose of the passage is to
A.(A) expose the fragile nature of the foundations on which bioengineering research rests
B.(B) argue that bioengineering is ultimately infeasible as a means of manufacturing plastic
C.(C) argue that the advances in organically-based plastic manufacture cannot solve environmental issues
D.(D) explain the reasons for and objectives of current research on the development of organically-based plastic manufacture
E.(E) describe the nature of the organic plastic manufacturing process

5题: According to the passage, early American parishioners held which of the following views concerning parish demography
A.(A) Migration between towns stands in direct contrast with the accumulation of population in cities.
B.(B) Parish populations would grow at fairly equal rates, given the fact that those who left a parish in response to life course events were usually replaced.
C.(C) Migration between parishes was a rare enough phenomenon that it was unnecessary to keep records of it in any fashion.
D.(D) Parish populations often chose to remain sedimentary as a result of the homogeneity of the various countryside parishes.
E.(E) Parish populations owed their existence on the whole to the influx of populations due to life course events.




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