
1题:(0-9) 要组成三位电话号码,第一位不能是0或1,三位数中相邻两位不能为同一数. (e.g. 227 not acceptable, but 272 acceptable),求可以组成多少个这样的电话号码?

2题: Regardless of what might be said about the vehement diatribes of the Minnesota senator, one can't argue that he was any less than utterly______his beliefs and his constituents, for invariably, he voted his______.
A.(A) opposed to … politics
B.(B) committed to … whims
C.(C) conflicted in … inclinations
D.(D) considerate in … platform
E.(E) dedicated to … conscience

3题:It can be inferred from the passage that Van West notes the severe droughts which affected the Anasazi prior to the Great Drought primarily in order to

A.establish that enough food could have been grown to support the Anasazi's survival
B.argue that the Anasazi's past behavior would indicate their likely future behavior in the case of a Great Drought
C.suggest that the repetition of droughts was taking a cumulative toll on the fertility of the Plateau
D.argue that the evidence which points to the existence of a Great Drought may actually be related to earlier droughts
E.(E) affirm the notion that the Great Drought may have been exponentially more severe than prior droughts

A.(A) amicable : fraternity
B.(B) regretful:compensation
C.(C) unmanageable : amity
D.(D) recalcitrant: authority
E.(E) unyielding : defiance

5题: Future generations of physicists may look at the______of their former ideas and see in it, not the relics of some extinct creature, but a crude, early, yet wholly version of their more modern theories.
A.(A) mockery… distinct
B.(B) armature… laughable
C.(C) specter … congruous
D.(D) skeleton… recognizable
E.(E) treatment… suspect




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