
1题: According to the passage, "infralimbic neurons ... fire to the tone only when rats are recalling extinction on the following day" (lines 7-9) for which of the following reasons
A.(A) Extinction has not been proven to erase the memory of fear conditioning in rats.
B.(B) The extinction response requires a number of days to develop.
C.(C) The subject's original fear response was not conditioned to a tone.
D.(D) The infralimbic cortices carry the memory of fear extinction.
E.(E) Rats that show the least fear demonstrate the greatest increase in infralimbic tone responses.

2题: Comets have been mistakenly interpreted by humans in times past as______of doom, foretelling famine, plague, and destruction.
A.(A) harbingers
B.(B) illusions
C.(C) malapropisms
D.(D) misnomers
E.(E) effects


4题: According to the passage, the greatest risk posed by the feminist theories, like the Female Aesthetic, which posit the existence of an "essential" or non-constructed gender is in
A.(A) creating a dead-end for feminist literary criticism by attacking the notion of an androgynist poetics
B.(B) reinforcing sexist notions that women cannot emulate the literary style of men
C.(C) pushing feminist writing out of the mainstream by arguing that men are unable to full comprehend women's writing
D.(D) relying too heavily on the theories of Freud, under which identity is the product of biology
E.(E) escaping identification with the literary canon through the use of a fluid and protean literary style

5题: A gulf remains between negotiators from the rich world, who are so skeptical they hope to see the treaty's ambitious provisions______, and those from poor countries, who want them______.
A.explicated… ignored
B.diluted … strengthened
C.absconded… delivered
D.reinforced… removed
E.(E) relaxed… loosened




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