解析:The passage provides an answer to

来源:网考网GRE 所有评论

【单选题】 The passage provides an answer to which of the following questions
A.(A) What is the explanation for the phenomenon of bioluminescence in marine life
B.(B) Does the phenomenon of plankton bioluminescence have any practical applications
C.(C) Why do only certain specimens of marine life exhibit the phenomenon of bioluminescence
D.(D) How does underwater bioluminescence differ from atmospheric bioluminescence
E.(E) What are the steps that take place as an individual microorganism becomes bioluminescent


As the previous answer makes clear, the phenomenon of plankton bioluminescence does have practical applications. It is a valuable tool for fisheries interested in increasing their catch of fish that prey on plankton. 查看试题解析出处>>


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