解析:Like the theory of evolution, the

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【单选题】 Like the theory of evolution, the big-bang model of the universe's formation has undergone modification and ______, but it has______ all serious challenges.
A.(A) alteration...confirmed
B.(B) refinement...resisted
C.(C) transformation...ignored
D.(D) evaluation...acknowledged
E.(E) refutation...misdirected


The author concedes that the big-bang theory has been changed somewhat: it has undergone refinement or polishing. However, he denies that its validity has been threatened seriously by any rival theories: it has resisted or defied all challenges. The use of the support signal and indicates that the first missing word is similar in meaning to "modification." The use of the contrast signal but indicates that the second missing word is contrary in meaning to "undergone modification." 查看试题解析出处>>


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