解析:An essential purpose of the crimin

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【单选题】 An essential purpose of the criminal justice system is to enable purgation to take place; that is, to provide a ______ by which a community expresses its collective ______ the transgression of the criminal.
A.(A) catharsis...outrage at
B.(B) disclaimer...forgiveness of
C.(C) means...empathy with
D.(D) procedure...distaste for
E.(E) document...disapprobation of


Here the task is to determine the communal reaction to crime. The write: maintains that the criminal justice system of punishments allows the community to purge itself of its anger, its sense of outrage at the criminal's acts. Thus, it provides a catharsis or purgation for the community. Remember, in double-blank sentences, go through the answers, testing the first word in each choice and eliminating those that don't fit. In this case, you can readily eliminate Choices B and E: it is unlikely that an essential purpose of the criminal justice system would be the provision of either a disclaimer (denial or disavowal, as in disavowing responsibility for a legal claim) or a document. 查看试题解析出处>>


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