
来源:网考网GRE 所有评论

【单选题】 In the second paragraph of the passage the author's attitude toward the literary critics cited can best be described as one of
A.(A) irony
B.(B) ambivalence
C.(C) disparagement
D.(D) receptiveness
E.(E) awe


The author opens the paragraph by stating that many literary critics have begun reinterpreting the study of women's literature. She then goes on to cite individual comments that support her assertion. Clearly, she is receptive or open to the ideas of these writers, for they and she share a common sense of the need to reinterpret their common field. Choices A and B are incorrect. The author cites the literary critics straightforwardly, presenting their statements as evidence sup-porting her thesis. Choice C is incorrect. The author does not disparage or belittle these critics. By quoting them respectfully she implicitly acknowledges their competence. Choice E is incorrect. The author quotes the critics as acknowledged experts in the field. However, she is quite ready to disagree with their conclusions (as she disagrees with Moers' view of women's literature as an inter-national movement). Clearly, she does not look on these critics with awe. 查看试题解析出处>>


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