
来源:网考网GRE 所有评论

【单选题】 The author quotes Mario Praz primarily in order to
A.(A) support her own perception of Mary Shelley's uniqueness
B.(B) illustrate recent changes in scholarly opinions of Shelley
C.(C) demonstrate Praz's unfamiliarity with Shelley's Frankenstein
D.(D) provide an example of the predominant critical view of Shelley
E.(E) contrast Praz's statement about Shelley with Shelley's own self-appraisal


Immediately before quoting Praz, the author states that the general view of Shelley depicts her as "a transparent medium through which passed the ideas of those around her.", The quotation from Praz provides an excellent example of this particular point of view. To answer this question correctly, you do not need to read the passage in its entirety. Quickly scroll through the passage, scanning for the name Praz; read only the context in which it appears. 查看试题解析出处>>


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