易错题:Sometimes an object in nature is so

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【单选题】Sometimes an object in nature is so rare that it escapes mention in nature books. Such is the case with the delightful Kirtland’s warbler. The Kirtland’s warbler is a plump, yellow-breasted bird that can be found nesting almost exclusively in the upper half of Michigan’s Lower Peninsul
A、Although this bird does migrate to theBahamas during the winter months, Michigan is its natural habitat. Unfortunately, reduced numbers have caused the Kirtland’s warbler to be designated an endangered species. The remaining Kirtland’s warblers now enjoy living among the jack pine trees located in protected Michigan forests. The male warblers generally return north before the female birds. Often, they return as early as May. When they arrive, the male warblers stake out their territories and choose a nesting are
A、At the completion of their own long journey from theBahamas, the female warblers begin to collect leaves and grass to build their nests. Oddly, the Kirtland’s warbler nests on the ground and not in the nearby jack pine trees themselves.During the nesting process, the male warbler provides food for his mate while the female Kirtland’s warbler lays four to five speckled eggs. The eggs hatch in two to three weeks and both the male and female warblers tend to their chicks.
The passage implies that the author is

A、disinterested in the fate of Kirtland’s warbler

B、a proponent of Kirtland’s warbler
C、a native of Michigan who travels to theBahamas
D、reluctant to discuss the migratory patterns of Kirtland’s warbler
E、annoyed that Kirtland’s warbler is not mentioned in nature books

The passage is a generally scientific description of the Kirkland’s warbler. The tone is mostly neutral, with a slightly positive bent. This tone and main subject matter support answer choice B. Note that while the bird is a native of Michigan, nothing in the passage indicates that the author must also be one. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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