

3题:Which of the following hypothetical discoveries, if made, would cast MOST doubt on the most recent conclusions regarding the function of the human appendix

A.After laboratory experiments, scientists discover evidence to reject the notion hat the human appendix is a "vestigial" organ.
B.Certain animal species which had not previously been given attention are to possess an appendix resembling that of humans.
C.Lymphoid tissue is discovered, after careful study, not to play a role in the recognition of foreign antigens in ingested material.
D.After re-examination of the evidence, ulcerative colitis is discovered to be caused by factors wholly unrelated to the human appendix.
E.(E) It is discovered that in rabbits, hindgut fermentation does not require the presence of an organ acting as reservoir for bacteria.

4题:George earned 80, 85 and 90 on the first three tests in his geography class.Because he didn’t have time to study, he decides to guess randomly on the final test. That test has ten true-false questions, each worth 10 points. What is the probability his final average is more than 85


5题:James’s first novels used conventional narra-
tive techniques: explicit characterization, action
which related events in distinctly phased sequences,
Line settings firmly outlined and specifically describeD、
(5)But this method gradually gave way to a subtler,
more deliberate, more diffuse style of accumula-
tion of minutely discriminated details whose total
significance the reader can grasp only by constant
attention and sensitive inference. His later novels
(10) play down scenes of abrupt and prominent action,
and do not so much offer a succession of sharp
shocks as slow piecemeal additions of perception.
The curtain is not suddenly drawn back from
shrouded things, but is slowly moved away.
(15) Such a technique is suited to James’s essential
subject, which is not human action itself but the
states of mind which produce and are produced
by human actions and interactions. James was
less interested in what characters do, than in the
(20) moral and psychological antecedents, realizations,
and consequences which attend their doings. This
is why he more often speaks of "cases" than of
actions. His stories, therefore, grow more and
more lengthy while the actions they relate grow
(25) simpler and less visible; not because they are
crammed with adventitious and secondary events,
digressive relief, or supernumerary characters, as
overstuffed novels of action are; but because he
presents in such exhaustive detail every nuance of
(30) his situation.Commonly the interest of a novel is
in the variety and excitement of visible actions
building up to a climactic event which will settle
the outward destinies of characters with storybook
promise of permanence.A、James novel, however,
(35) possesses its characteristic interest in carrying the
reader through a rich analysis of the mental
adjustments of characters to the realities of their
personal situations as they are slowly revealed to
them through exploration and chance discovery.
The author’s attitude toward the novel of action appears to be one ofA.pointed indignation
B.detached neutrality derision
D.strong partisanship
E、mild disapprobation




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