
1题: The author would most likely agree with which of the following descriptions of the conflict between Darwinists and cultural anthropologists over the nature of animal emotions
A.(A) The concept of animal emotions suggests that human emotions are based on instinctual biology.
B.(B) Cultural relativists dispute the notion that animal emotions are innate and not be learned.
C.(C) Darwinists view the events of the twentieth-century as a triumph of animal instinct over rational human behavior.
D.(D) Darwinists wish to draw a line between emotional behavior and culturally acquired behavior.
E.(E) Cultural relativists support the idea of an animal behavior dictated by behavioral rules.

A.if the quantity inColumnA、is greater;
B.if the quantity in columnB、is greater;

C、if the two quantities are equal;

D、if you cannot determine the relationship based on the given information
This section includes three types of questions: QuantitativeComparison,Discrete Problem Solving, and NumericEntry. For each question, circle the letter of your choice or write your answer as instructe
Directions for QuantitativeComparison Questions: Some of the following questions give you two quantities, one inColumnA、and one inColumnB,Compare the two quantities and choose one of the following answer choices:E、border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%">
3题: It can be inferred from the examples given in the passage that medievalist backgrounds were problematic for Victorians for which of the following reasons
A.(A) They symbolized a reliance on irony that was typical not only of Pre-Raphaelite work but many other controversial movements.
B.(B) They concealed an uncomfortable infatuation with the notion of sacrifice.
C.(C) They avoided the sentimentality that was most revered and palatable at the time.
D.(D) They indicated an affinity for pictorial modes of representation that ultimately contributed to Rossetti's popularity.
E.(E) They presented a challenge to the average Victorian's reluctance to modernize and become nihilistic.

A.if the quantity inColumnA、is greater;

B、if the quantity in column
B、is greater;
C.if the two quantities are equal;
D.if you cannot determine the relationship based on the given information
Directions for QuantitativeComparison Questions: Some of the following questions give you two quantities, one inColumnA、and one inColumnB,Compare the two quantities and choose one of the following answer choices:
A.(A) panacea : flatter
B.(B) caricature : exaggerate
C.(C) ode : evaluate
D.(D) lore: blemish
E.(E) dissertation : refute




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