解析:This passage is adapted from TheAme

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【单选题】This passage is adapted from TheAmerican Republic:Constitution, Tendencies, andDestiny by O.
The ancients summed up the whole of human wisdom in the maxim "Know Thyself,"
Line and certainly there is for an individual no more important and no more difficult
knowledge, than knowledge of himself. Nations are only individuals on a larger scale.
They have a life, an individuality, a reason, a conscience, and instincts of their own,
(5) and have the same general laws of development and growth, and, perhaps, of decay, as
the individual man.Equally important, and no less difficult than for the individual, is it
for a nation to know itself, understand its own existence, its own powers and faculties,
rights and duties, constitution, instincts, tendencies, and destiny.
A、nation has a
spiritual as well as a material existence, a moral as well as a physical existence, and is
(10) subjected to internal as well as external conditions of health and virtue, greatness and
grandeur, which it must in some measure understand and observe, or become lethargic
and infirm, stunted in its growth, and end in premature decay and death.
Among nations, no one has more need of full knowledge of itself than the
United States, and no one has, to this point, had less. It has hardly had a distinct
(35) consciousness of its own national existence, and has lived the naive life of the
child, with no severe trial, till the recent civil war, to throw it back on itself
and compel it to reflect on its own constitution, its own separate existence,
individuality, tendencies, and en
D、The defection of the slaveholding States,
and the fearful struggle that has followed for national unity and integrity, have
(20) brought the United States at once to a distinct recognition of itself, and forced it
to pass from thoughtless, careless, heedless, reckless adolescence to grave and
reflecting manhoo
D、The nation has been suddenly compelled to study itself, and
from now on must act from reflection, understanding, science, and statesmanship,
not from instinct, impulse, passion, or caprice, knowing well what it does, and
(25) why it does it. The change that four years of civil war have wrought in the nation
is great, and is sure to give it the seriousness, the gravity, and the dignity it has so
far lacke
The author’s argument is developed primarily by the use of
A、an example of one nation’s success analogy between man and nation
C.a critique of the United StatesConstitution

D、a warning against civil war
E、a personal account of self-realization


The passage states, "Nations are only individuals on a larger scale," which is a direct comparison of nations to man. The other answer choices are not supported by the passage. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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