解析:Directions: The next questions are

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【单选题】Directions: The next questions are based on the content of the following passage. Read the passage and then determine the best answer choice for each question.Base your choice on what this passage states directlyor implies, not on any information you may have gained elsewhere.
For each of Questions, select one answer choice unless otherwise instructeD、
Questions are based on the following passage.
As the works of dozens of women
writers have been rescued from whatE、P.
Thompson calls "the enormous condescen-
Line sion of posterity," and considered in relation
(5) to each other, the lost continent of the
female tradition has risen likeAtlantis from
the sea ofEnglish literature. It is now
becoming clear that, contrary to Mill’s the-
ory, women have had a literature of their
(10) own all along. The woman novelist, accord-
ing to VinetaColby, was "really neither sin-
gle nor anomalous," but she was also more
than a "register and spokesman for her age."
She was part of a tradition that had its ori-
(15) gins before her age, and has carried on
through our own.
Many literary historians have begun to
reinterpret and revise the study of women
writers.Ellen Moers sees women’s literature
(20) as an international movement, "apart from,
but hardly subordinate to the mainstream:
an undercurrent, rapid and powerful. This
’movement’ began in the late eighteenth cen-
tury, was multinational, and produced some
(25) of the greatest literary works of two centuries,
as well as most of the lucrative pot-boilers."
Patricia Meyer Spacks, in The Female
Imagination, finds that "for readily discernible
historical reasons women have characteristi-
(30) cally concerned themselves with matters more
or less peripheral to male concerns, or at least
slightly skewed from them. The differences
between traditional female preoccupations
and roles and male ones make a difference in
(35) female writing." Many other critics are begin-
ning to agree that when we look at women
writers collectively we can see an imaginative
continuum, the recurrence of certain pat-
terns, themes, problems, and images from
generation to generation.


The author opens the paragraph by stating that many literary critics have begun reinterpreting the study of women’s literature. She then goes on to cite individual comments that support her assertion. Clearly, she is receptive or open to the ideas of these writers, for they and she share a common sense of the need to reinterpret their common field. Choices A and B are incorrect. The author cites the literary critics straight- forwardly, presenting their statements as evidence supporting her thesis. Choice C is incorrect. The author does not disparage or belittle these critics. By quoting them respectfully she implicitly acknowledges their competence. Choice E is incorrect. The author quotes the critics as acknowledged experts in the field. However, she does not look on these critics with awe (an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, or fear). document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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