解析:Directions: The next questions are

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【单选题】Directions: The next questions are based on the content of the following passage. Read the passage and then determine the best answer choice for each question.Base your choice on what this passage states directly or implies, not on any information you may have gained elsewhere.
For each of Questions, select one answer choice unless otherwise instructeD、
Questions are based on the following passage.
With Meredith’s TheEgoist we enter into a
critical problem that we have not yet before
faced in these studies. That is the problem
Line offered by a writer of recognizably impressive
(5) stature, whose work is informed by a muscu-
lar intelligence, whose language has splendor,
whose "view of life" wins our respect, and
yet for whom we are at best able to feel only
a passive appreciation which amounts, prac-
(10) tically, to indifference. We should be unjust
to Meredith and to criticism if we should,
giving in to the inertia of indifference, sim-
ply avoid dealing with him and thus avoid
the problem along with him. He does not
(15) "speak to us," we might say; his meaning is
not a "meaning for us"; he "leaves us colD、"
But do not the challenge and the excitement
of the critical problem as such lie in that
ambivalence of attitude which allows us to
(20) recognize the intelligence and even the
splendor of Meredith’s work, while, at the
same time, we experience a lack of sympathy,
a failure of any enthusiasm of response
According to the passage, the work of Meredith is noteworthy for its elements of
A、sensibility and artistic fervor
B、ambivalence and moral ambiguity
C、tension and sense of vitality
D、brilliance and linguistic grandeur
E、wit and whimsical frivolity

The author cites Meredith’s intelligence (brilliance) and his splendor of language (linguistic grandeur). document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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