解析:Which of the following statements

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【单选题】 Which of the following statements about W. E. B. Du Bois does the passage best support
A.(A) He sacrificed the proven strategies of earlier black leaders to his craving for political novelty.
B.(B) Preferring conflict to harmony, he followed a disruptive course that alienated him from the bulk of his followers.
C.(C) He proved unable to change with the times in mounting fresh attacks against white racism.
D.(D) He relied on the fundamental benevolence of the white population for the eventual success of his movement.
E.(E) Once an adherent of Washington's policies, he ultimately lost patience with them for their inefficacy.


The last sentence points out that Du Bois originally agreed with Washington's program. Choice A is incorrect. Nothing in the passage suggests that Du Bois sacrificed effective strategies out of a desire to try something new. Choice B is incorrect. Du Bois gained in influence, effectively winning away large numbers of blacks from Washington's policies. Choice C is incorrect. Du Bois' quickness to depart from conventional black wisdom when it proved inadequate to the task of advancing the race shows him to be well able to change with the times. Choice D is incorrect. Washington, not Du Bois, is described as seeking the good will of powerful whites. 查看试题解析出处>>


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