
来源:网考网GRE 所有评论



If the average of the three digits is 2, the sum of the digits is 6. The simplest thing is to list them. If there are only a few, list them all; if it seems that there will be too many to list, look for a pattern. The list starts this way: 105, 114, 123, 132, 141, 150, so there are6 of them in the 100s. Continue: 204, 213, 222, 23I, 240. There are 5 in the 200s. You can conclude, correctly, that there are 4 in the 300s, 3 in the 400s, 2 in the 500s, and 1 in the 600s. So, the total is 6 + 5 +4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 21. If you don’t spot the pattern, just continue the list: 303, 312,…, 501,510, 600. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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