解析:Homeostasis refers to any process,

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【单选题】Homeostasis refers to any process, such as negative feedback, that living things employ to maintain stable conditions indispensable for survival, and which arises from balances between forces and factors mutually influencing each other.Disturbance, or departure from equilibrium is of more consequence than negative feedback: systems cannot correct themselves without straying.
A、car and its driver, for instance, can be regarded as a homeostatic system seeking to keep the car moving on track. Thus, if the car skids, the driver automatically responds by quickly steering the wheel in the opposite direction, but such abrupt negative feedback usually overcorrects. Likewise, if the magnitude of correction is commensurate with the disturbance that triggered it, the correction may become an impressed change in the direction opposite to that of the original disturbance.Each feedback is of lesser magnitude than the last, so that as the oscillations of the system dampen, negative feedback achieves its goal in both artificial and natural systems. Which of the following would be most analogous to the process of dampening oscillations described in the paragraph
A、During a rainstorm, water rises to the level of a sewer drain, siphoning off and thus remaining at constant level.
A、rubber ball which bounces off the ground multiple times, than gradually comes to rest.
A、meteor hurtles through space indefinitely, due to the laws of inerti
A、clothing iron is left on, then becomes so hot that it catches on fire, burning its own cord and destroying its power source.
A、baseball pitcher knows he tends to through to the left of home plate, and then in trying to throw to the right, overcorrects.


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