解析:Which of the following statem

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Which of the following statements can be inferred from the graph
Ⅰ School X has a smaller enrollment than School Y.
ⅡIf the age of a book is the number of years since purchase,then the average(arithmetic mean)age of a book in the School Y inventory is less than that of a book in the School X inventory.
ⅢAccording to the inventory,School X and School Y purchased the same number of textbooks in 1976.
B、Ⅰ only
C、Ⅱ only
D、Ⅰ and Ⅱ
E、Ⅱ and Ⅲ

下面哪一句话可以从题目的图表中推断出来 Ⅰ 学校X的在册学生比学校Y的在册学生少; Ⅱ 若书的年龄为图书购买后的年数,那么学校Y库存图书的平均年龄比学校X库存图书的平均年龄小; Ⅲ 根据库存,学校X和学校Y在1976年购买的教科书的数目相同。 由图表中图书的库存信息无法得到学校X与学校Y的学生的多少,所以Ⅰ肯定不对;Ⅱ中涉及库存图书的平均年龄,学校X库存图书的平均年龄为:8×15%+7×10%+6×19%+5×23%+4×13%+3×12%+2×8%=5.23, 学校Y库存图书的平均书龄为:8×0.12%+7×0.08%+6×0.13%+5×0.2%+4×0.18%+3×0.21%+2×0.08%=3.91, 所以Ⅱ一定正确,其实由图表也可观察到学校X的年龄比较大的图书所占的比例均大于学校Y的也可判断Ⅱ是正确的;由两学校的库存总量不同,可推知Ⅲ肯定不对。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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